
The wasp is a very feared insect. Wasps bite, not sting.I once saw a wasp digging. I said, "How odd." It was black and very good sized. I tried to take a picture of it, but someone scared it away.

Wasps are in three segments body. The head, thorax, and body. I'll tell you about them.

    The head of a wasp has two compound eyes. Have you ever look through the back of a diamond? That's what it looks like. The also have antennas that help them sense and smell dinner.

     On to the thorax. The thorax is the section right below the head. It often possesses the spiracles. The spiracles are what the insect breathes through. Some bugs don't have them. Well, you can't tell because they're microscopic.
    Now the body. The body has the abdomen, the digesting section.